Malaysian Style - Corner-ing every furniture (tak ada kesalahan lah)
Wuah new room, I wan my bed position at that CORNER, table at this CORNER, erm... dustbin that CORNER... rubbish the other CORNER, eh? wat's the dustbin for?
by simple adjustment, you would sleep a little bit better everyday...
here it goes
First of all, LOOK at your bed / bedframe now... is it at the corner?
If no, STOP READING, don't waste your time...
If yes, read or not, it's up to you, God gave us choice haha...
k straight to the point...
let me tell you why it's not that good to have your bed cornered.
Your bed is definitely gonna be much cooling if you were to leave some space at the side/top of the bed to allow air circulation...
If you are bless with bed frame...
ah ! better not stuck all your rubbish / boxes below your bed frame as it's gonna reduce the flow of air beneath your bed...
Cool? haha